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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Summing up the various theories

Nine different theories about origin of organisms and their diseases have been discussed. To get a clear perspective of the arguments a summary is in order. It will also be useful to take an overview of the positions taken by other classics.
Sushruta has enlisted different theories
स्वभावम् ईश्वरम् कालम् यदृच्छाम् नियतिम् तथा॥

परिणामम् च मन्यन्ते प्रकृतिम् पृथुदर्शिनः॥
सुश्रुत शारीरस्थान अध्याय१ सर्वभूतचिन्ताशारीर श्लोक११
Nature, Creator, Time, Chance, Destiny and Conversion are the reasons believed by different schools of Vaidyas.
Dalhana (डल्हण) discusses the theories in his commentary on Sushruta. He also refers to other commentators Jejjata, Gayadasa and others like Shripati from Jyotisha. He also gives multiple examples from Sushruta in support of each theory.

Commentary ( Dalhana) : (Referring to previous verse where Triguna theory is described as one opinion) Sushruta said this to give his opinion. 
Some Vaidyas who follow Swabhava (Nature) theory say that Nature is the cause of everything as in the verse
कः कण्टकानाम् प्रकरोति तैक्ष्ण्यम् चित्रम् विचित्रम् मृगपक्षिणाम् च॥
माधुर्यमिक्षौ कटुताम् मरीचे स्वभावतः सर्वमिदम् प्रवृत्तम्॥
" Who gives sharpness to thorns? Who gives beautiful and varied appearance to animals and birds? Who makes sugarcane sweet and pepper sharp? All this happens due to nature." 
Some Aacharyas say that God is the cause of everything Earth, mountains,trees, organisms, heaven and hell. As said in the verse 

अज्ञो  जन्तुरनीशोऽयमात्मनः सुखदुःयोः॥
 ईश्वरप्रेरितो गच्छेत् स्वर्गम् नरकमेव च ॥
" Every organism is unaware of his pleasures or sorrows and goes to heaven or hell (by his actions) provoked by God.
Kaala theorists say that Time is the cause of origin, stability and destruction of the universe. As said by the eminent Jyotishi Shripati " I bow to Time, the cause of origin, stability and destruction of the universe. Even those Yogis who know the ultimate truth are also bound by the knowledge of origin, stability and destruction."
Yadruccha (Chance)theorist say that everything happens by chance and no special reason is needed for things to happen. Hay and spark come together by chance to produce fire. 
Niyati (Destiny) theorists say that Good or bad deeds in the earlier incarnation determine what will happen to an organism.
Parinama (Transformation ) theorists say that ' Mahat or primordial principle generated on contact of Prakriti and Purusha is the cause of everything through transformation. 
Ayurveda being a congress of all Vedas all these theories are accepted by us. 
Sushruta himself has invoked all of these six diverse theories.
Nature theory
Expression of organs and their sub parts happens due to natural laws. 
Build of body, dentition, fall of teeth, absence of hair on palms are due to nature.
All other dhatus are always reducing but Nails and Hair always grow as it is their nature.
Tamas is the cause of sleep and Sattva is cause of awakening but Nature is the greater reason for both.
Mung is Laghu by nacture as are partridge and Kapinjala where as black gram, pork and beef are Guru by nature.

God theory

Agni is the representation of god in the body. He digests the food, absorbs Rasa but cannot be perceived due to its minuteness.
जाठरो भगवान् अग्निः ईश्वरोऽन्नस्य पाचकः॥
सौक्ष्म्याद्रसान् आददानो विवेक्तुम् नैव शक्यते॥

Time Theory
Time of two types Hot and Cold produces specialized Panch Mahabhootas according to Nyaya Philosophy.This is proposed as reason for Sanchaya, Prakopa and Prashama of Doshas in Ritucharya (Sootrasthan Ch. 6) 

Chance theory
Chance is sudden unpredictable occurrence of  substances. As exemplified in Arbuda which does not normally lead to suppuration may suddenly and unexpectedly suppurate in some rare cases. This happens by chance. (Nidansthan 11/24)

Destiny Theory
Some diseases are Karmaja. Leprosy is caused by killing of a good person, woman or Brahmin, stealing etc. ( Nidansthan 5/29)

Transformation theory
Vipaka is due to transformation of (digestion) Rasa.
Same herbs become potent by transformation into maturity.
Hemant Ritu transforms water into its most potent form.
Rasa is the correctly transformed form of food.
Shukra occurs when children are transformed into adults (Age related transformation.)

To be continued in next posting ...... 

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